Equine Therapy


Horses are profound healers. The size of their body, heart and nervous system and the authenticity and immediacy of their communication can teach us things about own body, heart and nervous system that could take years to understand in talk therapy.

  • The somatic and physical communication of horses can provide deep insight into our own somatic and physical presentation to others. The understanding of our own anxiety, tension, anger and other expressions of a stuck nervous system can be deeply heightened by a horses experience and response to us.

  • The way we move and use our body communicates our expression of leadership or fear taking our place in the world. The equine search for clarity regarding roles of leader and follower in a non-judgemental and straight forward way, help us to see how we express ourselves in the world.

  • There is something that is deeper than words to be found in all things that are truly healing. The ocean, a forest, the space of true friendship, horses having something to offer us that is beyond expression, but it can help us to express what we truly need.