Therapeutic Aikido groups are Aikido classes that are taught with principles of Aiki Therapy. Following in the footsteps of Sensei Gayle Fillman, I am teaching therapeutic Aikido classes for children who are experiencing emotional and mental health issues. The focus of the classes is on learning Aikido techniques for protecting the child and those around them by emphasizing self-regulation, discipline, courage, responsibility, love, being centered, being grounded, developing awareness and practicing non-violent techniques for resolving conflict. In the classes children identify mental or emotional health goals ("not worry so much", "feel better about myself", "let go of anger"), interpersonal goals ("get along better with my mother", "not get into fights at school", "stand up for myself") and aikido goals ("learn my techniques", "be able to relax completely when I get stressed", "be ready to listen and give my best to my training partners") and these goals are used in harmony to build the child's self-concept, self-mastery skills and ability to accomplish goals and navigate the challenges of life more effectively.
The context of a martial arts class, allows me to use martial training, development of self and ranking based goals to help children to address mental or emotional health issues in a non-stigmatized and effective way.
In therapeutic Aikido Classes children learn to:
- Build a healthy, positive, pro-social and effective self-concept.
- Take responsibility for themselves.
- Understand, express and modulate their emotions.
- Build confidence.
- Resolve conflict.
- Develop pro-social skills to create positive change in their families and communities.
- Learn to stand up for themselves.
- Overcome and replace trauma responses.
- Increase their ability to respond to stress and danger.
- Build a relationship with themselves and their potential for creating positive change.