Everyday is a great day to train in the dojo of life. Nature is the best training partner.

On a recent evening I was driving home, lamenting as I drove, the state of things. A radio program was announcing that over the next 10 years 40% of wild pollinating insects and animals would be instinct due to habitat loss. As I was ruminating, I was revisiting a notion that had recently occurred to me during Aikido practice, that no matter what my partner does, it is always my responsibility to execute my role without hesitation and to find a way to create harmony.

In Aikido practice there are two roles for those practicing, one who attacks and is then thrown and one who is attacked and then throws. My Sensei has been emphasizing the importance of "Uke work", that is, being able to find harmony, to protect oneself and take a safe and mindful fall regardless of the skill or efficacy of the thrower (Nage). I realized in my practice that is was my responsibility to make sure a good throw and safe fall occurred, whether I was Nage or Uke. Prior to this point I would often stop my attack and sit there feeling the "holes" in my partners throwing ability, rather than the "holes" in my falling ability. This caused me to lose valuable training time as I was not taking responsibility for the state of things.

Ultimately it occurred to me that the efficacy of my partner's techniques relative to mine are irrelevant. All that matters is that I find a way to improve my own technique and offer the best that I can to my partner, meeting them where they are.

What stands out to me is that I must take unceasing responsibility for my own training at all times. No matter what has occurred outside myself or how ineffective or unconscious someone else is, I must commit myself steadfastly to the best training for myself and my partner, doing everything I can to ensure a harmonious outcome. This training in Aikido allows us to not get caught in conflict with others or waste valuable time focusing what is not our responsibility.

In the moment that I was considering this I drove around a bend in the road and was faced with a beautiful cloudscaped sunset, replete with hues of only natural beauty. As I shook myself from my mind to see with my eyes and spirit what was emblazoned before me, I was struck by the Uke work of nature.

Here is the sun, the clouds, the atmosphere, all offering to me their deepest gifts. I opened my heart to the "wild pollinators" that were going extinct, each offering its best to the world, flying extra miles to harvest sparse and poisoned pollen and nectar, their little wings pushing harder and longer to complete their task, to fulfill their purpose, giving their bodies that life might go on. Nature always takes responsibility for its role. Fighting with fearlessness to the very end.

I realized, NEVER, does a human awake to a world that isn't ready to go, ready to practice, ready to find a deeper meaning. The sun never says: "not today, today I'm not going to shine, you'll just have to find your way without me." The bees and birds and bats and moths never quit, blaming, judging, attacking or playing victim to humans, no matter how poorly we treat them. They never give up, striking fearlessly, even in the face of death to live their lives with commitment to their cause. Each plant works tirelessly to provide us with an oxygen rich environment, no matter how savagely we poison theirs. As they go extinct, they fight with all their will to give just one last gift, with unflagging effort taking responsibility for their place in the world. Driving roots as deeply and quickly as they can. Everyday humans are given the opportunity to train with a world that offers everything it has to give, no matter how deeply we fail to do our part, nature relentlessly offers all that it has.

It strikes me that with such an incredible place to practice we cannot help but find a way to live in peace. Each day is so incredible, if only we choose to take responsibility for our role, for being who we are. Can we learn from courage, the discipline and the humility of nature. We live in a world in which every aspect of life is giving more deeply to us than we give in return. With such partners, and I would say instructors, to train with, I think we can not help but find the way to live successful and harmonious lives. If we can find a way to give to the world, even a fraction of what it gives to us in our daily lives, peace will be on earth quickly. If we can just notice the unrelenting generosity, dedication and nurturing the world gives to us and learn from it, we will soon transform this world, from suffering to peace and prosperity.

The sun fulfills its role every moment of every day. The bees find a way to bee more and more deeply, no matter how difficult we make their lives. The trees, tree, to the very, very end, even as they die reaching out one last fruit, that life might continue.

Let us take today, as an opportunity to learn from nature. Not to judge ourselves, or other humans, but learn to take our role more fervently. Let us find a way to human more deeply. Let us respond the nature's unspeakable gift, with some faint echo of understanding. With some minute sign that we do can do our part.

If the plants and animals of the world, can commit with unrelenting dedication to their purpose and to being who they are, surely we can also commit to ours. Surely we can learn to have the strength, the will and the faith of a seedling, offering its gift in spite of all odds.

Take a moment to appreciate the nature around you. Take a moment to embrace the nature within you. Strike through whatever fear and hesitation, whatever doubt or bias lies between you and your purpose on this planet and give with all your might. Let us rise to call of life!


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